What is a TAKE THE JUMP LOCAL group?
Any group of people Taking the Jump together, supporting each other, trying new things, sharing the hard bits and the successes. A group can have many forms; a group of friends, family, with people in your neighbourhood, town, city, workplace, university or interest group. It can be a group in one geographical place, or that only meet online. Maybe in due course (or even right away!) engaging your wider community, transforming the places we live in to create a new life and world.
is there a group near me
We have nearly twenty community groups in the UK, Canada, US and New Zealand. To find out if there’s an existing group near you, the best way is to join the Take the Jump HUB and look at the list of groups on there. On the HUB each group has its own space with chats, feeds, events, information and more.
I want to start a group!
Are you interested in starting your own group? Maybe you want to create a group for anyone in your area to get involved, or maybe you’re a teacher and want your class to take part, or you want your company to Take the Jump, or you’re part of a community group, or local environment group.
Contact us and let us know
Email us at team@takethejump.org, or sign into the HUB and drop us a message in the chat. We’ve lots of support we can offer to help you in setting up a local group :)
Check out the Toolkit
Our guide to setting up a local group is free to download below.
Check out our resource library
Our Resource Library has all sorts of useful things for local groups: live posters, flyers, images for social media, design toolkits, videos, communication guides, presentations, speeches, workshop plans and more.
To help, we have a step by step guide to setting up a group of people experimenting with Taking the Jump to a joyous sustainable future. Including steps, guidance and resources.
Because each local group is unique, and will be at its own stage in the journey, there is a range of material here so you can find what suits you best. Broken down through three phases and across ten steps, this document offers guidance for setting up a group if you don't already have one, or for inviting those in an existing group or community to take part. It includes things you can do together to change the world around you.
You don't need to read it all in one go, just focus on the bits relevant to you. Eg:
Read the introduction and summary section to get an idea of the general steps for setting up and growing a group, and whats available in this toolkit. That might be enough for you to get started.
Once you know which phases are right for you to start, read the relevant detailed sections
This is NOT an introduction to what taking the jump is or how to do it, see the rest of the website for more info on that.
We would love your thoughts on these documents, feel free to download, review, test and let us know what you think at team@takethejump.org